Dental bonding offers a versatile solution to address a range of aesthetic concerns, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and gaps between teeth. Our Katy dentists excel at enhancing your smile through this safe and straightforward procedure, achieving remarkable improvements without extensive interventions or exorbitant expenses.
Dental bonding is arguably the simplest, fastest, and most affordable cosmetic dental procedure for slightly cracked/chipped and stained teeth. It involves applying a composite resin paste to the affected regions of the teeth. This resin material fills the crevices and hides discoloration in the teeth, giving you flawless teeth. Dentists can also use the procedure to address large gaps between adjacent teeth.
Dental bonding's origins trace back to the 1950s when a serendipitous discovery led to its development.
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The composite resin material used in dental bonding closely resembles the natural color of your teeth. As such, bonded teeth will look and feel just like your permanent teeth. Moreover, the bonding material will be invisible to the undiscerning eye and hide your teeth's imperfections.
Dental bonding is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require any injections, incisions, or drilling of the teeth. The closest thing to invasiveness is polishing the tooth’s surface to provide a smooth layer for applying the composite resin material. As such, patients with dental phobia have nothing to worry about.
Cosmetic dental treatments have a reputation for being costly but not dental bonding. Dental bonding is among the least costly cosmetic treatments at only $100 to $500 per tooth.
After getting the green light from Dr. Tuan, your tooth’s color will be matched to a color guide to pick resin material that closely resembles it. Next, Dr. Tuan will use a mild etching solution to create micro ridges in the teeth, which help the bonding material adhere better.
Next, our Katy cosmetic dentist will apply an adhesive on the tooth to help the composite resin attach securely to the tooth. He’ll follow up by applying the composite resin to the tooth. The bonding material is a soft, pliable material that the dentist can mold to the desired shape. The material is then cured and hardened by exposing it to a special blue light.
Once cured, Dr. Tuan will shape the tooth to ensure it looks natural and matches with the rest of the teeth. He’ll then conduct a final examination, checking whether the bonding material is attached securely and whether it matches the tooth’s contours. If everything checks out, you’ll released with instructions for taking care of your now-bonded teeth.
Dental bonding usually lasts between three to ten years before you need to touch it up or replace it completely. That said, there are several factors that affect this longevity. The main ones include how well you maintain your oral hygiene and your diet after getting bonded teeth. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to dental decay that leads to bonding failure, while eating hard foods could break the bonding material, leading to the same.